COVID 19 Information Page by Purusha Shirvani, from Continual Flight. Straight off of the CDC and WHO pages. Consult a medical expert if you have symptoms of COVID 19, or any disease. Recommendations on precautions, guidelines, mask-wearing, hygiene, and practices which reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, along with a page exclusively for public school guidelines and checklists.

May 16: US COVID-19 deaths cross once unimaginable one million mark, making it the deadliest disease in US history

26 Sep 2023, 8:23 AM (GMT)

COVID-19 Global Stats

Total Cases
Death Cases
Recovered Cases

Something wrong With API

Disclaimer: I’m no doctor or medical expert. This is not meant to be medical or legal advice. This is a website aimed at educating the public on the dangers and risks of covid 19, as well as how to avoid them. Consult a doctor if you experience symptoms.